Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Wednesday of the 15th week in ordinary time. 16th July 2014.


Just like the Wale Adenuga productions will say. We are nothing but pencils in the hands of the Creator. So also God asks in today's first reading 📖 that can the axe claim more credit than the man who wields it? Or can the saw say it has more strength than the man who handles it? No. We are like the saw and God is the one handling us.

So we must know and always remember that God is All in All , the Lord of all things. He controls and determines whatever will happen to anyone at any given time. Psalm 115:3 says the Lord is in The heavens, he does WHATEVER He wills. He is the Unquestionable Judge and decider of any thing or case. He can decide to give us joy or happiness or he can permit us to experience trial for a greater good. We can do nothing on our own.

This means we should always behave  and trust Him as little children 🚸 would trust their parents. In Ghana such trust is so evident that every little child believes that his father is the strongest man in The world 🌍 and that his mother is the Best cook in the world . Nothing can change that for them . It is a permanent attitude of trust .

This is Exactly the same kind of trust God is asking us to have in Him at all times. Do not think like the Assyrians that you can do things on your Own. No. You can't . For in John 15:5 Our Lord Jesus Christ says "Apart from me you can do nothing."

Always Be grateful to God for All you have and are. Be humble in His presence. Be like little children and depend on Him for every thing. Claim no power of your own. And God will always see you through.

May God bless His words in our hearts through Christ our Lord.

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