Monday, 21 July 2014

Has God become a burden to you?

My people what have I done to you?  Have I ever offended you? When did I become a burden to you?  Answer me. I brought your out of the land of Egypt the the land of slavery. Why did you choose to have other gods? Why this unfaithfulness towards me?

My dear friends, these are the questions God is asking us today in our first reading 📖.(Micah 6:1_4, 6-8)He says he has saved us, he watches over us,  why do we continue to leave a life of sin? Why are you so comfortable with sin? You indulge in fornication,  masturbation, adultery, cheating, lying, and you do all sorts of things that are displeasing to God.
Has God become a burden to you? Has serving God become a burden to you? You were always present at daily Masses, now what has happened to you?  Where is your initial love you once had for God and His affairs?
God does not want you to go astray any further.
God is presently teaching us how to come back to him.
He says make amends, reconcile with me at the confessional. Act Justly, love kindness and tenderly and always walk humbly in the sight of the Lord.

Acting justly, loving kindness and walking 🚶 humbly in the Sight Of God means putting God first in all we Do. It means being in the state of grace. It means loving every one, caring for everyone , no discrimination, no tribalistic attitude. Realising that Jesus is The Greatest Sign and no other sign is needed.

Be a better you today and Have a Wonderful Day.

God bless You.