Great things always have humble beginnings. Our Church started with just 12 persons, the apostles and today it has grown into a great institution that cannot be compared with no other. To build a gigantic house you need to start with the foundation, from the scratch, a big mother hen will have to come out through a small egg. The Saint Thomas Aquinas first had to be a small tiny baby. Even The Greatest of all the greatest, our Lord Jesus Christ was born in a very low state, in a manger and he came from the smallest of all the towns in His own days.
The kingdom of God is described exactly like that in the Gospel today. The smallest seed that now becomes the biggest shrub.
Just as the seed will have to scatter and die so also our bad and sinful habits will have to die to give way for virtues pleasing to God.
Hatred, envy, jealousy, greed, lies and all must give way for love, peace and tranquillity which are the fruits of the Kingdom of God.
God has planted the seed of His Kingdom in us at Baptism, although it has the potential to grow, we need to cultivate and manure it, just like a farmer would do for a seed.
Human cooperation is needed. As Saint Augustine will say "the God who created you without your cooperation will not save you without your cooperation. "
You need to do our part to attain our salvation.
We are to be like the loincloth that God ask Jeremiah to tie to his waist in the first reading. The loin cloth is like your underwear. Just as your underwear as direct contact with your body so God wants you to have direct contact with Him. Just as your underwear is the closest to your body so God wants you to be so very close to Him. Because it is only in Him you can live, move and have your being (Philipians 4:13).
Closeness to God is brought about through prayerful meditations of His Divine Word, frequenting confessions, devotion and obedience.
Just as the seed grows and have branches where birds of the air builds nest and shelter in them. So our lives must be filled with good examples that will attract people to God. We need to contaminate people with holiness.
Let's be careful how we live our lives because we may be the only Bible that someone will have to read to be saved.
God bless you.
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