Dear friends in Christ, our Lord Jesus Christ continues to teach us how to be His faithful children 🚸 and followers.
The disciples asked Jesus today why do you speak to them in parables? Jesus answered the reason is that they look without seeing and hear without understanding.
A first glance at these words of our Lord Jesus will make one think that Jesus spoke purposely to them so that they will not understand. But that's not the case.
Our Lord Jesus is teaching us that people's minds may become so dull that when God's truth comes, they may not see it because their minds and lives have become so blinded by prejudice and infatuated by tribalism and favoritism.
Dear friends, if you do have a tribalistic attitude to things and even the things of God, the source of our lives, you are bound to miss out on the blessings and graces that accompany God's affairs. Are you the one select and choose which of the Masses you will attend, simply because the Priest that will officiate at the Mass is from your state of origin or he speaks your language? at times people are fond of calling particular priests asking them "Father which Mass are you celebrating tomorrow? Are you the one coming to our station? Not because they want to get the truth of God's word but solely because he is from our area, he speaks my language. But if the other Priest comes, one who speaks the word of God in truth, they are not happy because what he speaks, discomforts them.
Such persons have become dull in minds and blinded by prejudice and so are not ready for the blessings of His Word. For the fate of the Word of God depends on the heart into which it is sown.
The more closed we are , the less we grow in Spirit , the less we grow in Spirit , the more closed we shall become. Thus, we will be able to see and hear and understand less and less as time goes on. As Jesus puts it 'from anyone who has not , even what he has will be taken away.'
If you are in this category you are not with God the source of your life. You have become spiritually sick.Jesus wants to heal us of all these bad aspects of our lives. Offer yourself to the Eternal Physician, that He may heal and deliver you.
Don't be like the Israelites who abandoned the fountain of life giving water and made for themselves leaky cisterns that hold no water. (Jeremiah 2:12-13)
As the adage goes 'a river that forgets it's source will get dried completely 'The Israelites forgot about God their source as a result , they were getting dried up, the fertile land (which wasn't theirs in the first place) which God gave to them is to be taken away from them. Do not be like them. Be open to God's Word because His word can come to you through various means and persons.
May God the source Of Our Life open our ears, minds and heart to see and understand His Life Giving Word. Amen.
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