Monday, 14 July 2014

Faith, put God first. Tuesday of the 15th week in ordinary time. year A


Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Bonaventure, a great doctor of the Church. He got his name when as a very little child he became very sick, his mother had to take him to Saint Francis of Assisi who prayed for him and he was healed. Upon seeing him, Saint Francis saw something great in him and he exclaimed 'O good fortune'. And that became his name Bonaventure which means 'good fortune '.

 Indeed Saint Bonaventure, a great theologian and philosopher became a good fortune for the church ⛪ and to the Church ⛪. Many years later he joined the order of St Francis (the Franciscans). At the age of 35 he was made the General of his order. At the same time there were people in that order who were trying to bring about disorderliness into the order.  He sanitized the order and restored perfect calm.

His great achievements coupled with intellectual brilliance and holiness saw him became a prince of the Church.

Name: his name influenced him positively.  What is your name and how is it influencing you?  Are you striving to be like your patron saint?  Or are you Paul behaving like Saul? Or is your name Martha and you are becoming a serious matter in your neighborhood?  Let the life of your patron saint guide you.

A famous writing of Saint Bonaventure says that a man should turn his full attention and gaze on Jesus hanging on the cross ➕ full of faith hope and charity. Putting God first in all we do. Have strong faith in God.  Vocation crisis, indecision,  having problems keeping your vows will all be a thing of the past when we gaze and focus only on God.
This is exactly the message of the first reading 📖 today . When king 👑 rezin and pekah were planning to destroy Judah the king of Judah Ahaz and all the people begin to tremble as trees of the forest tremble before the wind . They were terrified and afraid because their faith wasn't in God. But God says stand firm in faith for if you don't you will perish. That is it

Fear drives out faith. But faith drives out fear. Let us remain with the Lord with strong faith so that we will not end up like the towns of chorazin, bethsaida and Capernaum that saw the marvels, wonders and miracles of Jesus but refused to believe.

May Saint Bonaventure pray for us and may God increase our faith through Christ our Lord.

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