Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Saint Martha pray for us

Saint Martha had a close relationship with Jesus together with her sister Mary and Lazarus her brother.  As a result of this close relationship, our Lord will also have frequent visits to their house as we see in Luke chapter 10, John chapter 11, and John chapter 12.

Suffice to say that if we have a close relationship with Jesus, He will frequently visit us in all our endeavours. In your studies He will visit you, in your work or business, He will visit you, in your family, He will visit you in your vocation and all things will work out well for you. Let's develop a closer relationship with Jesus.
Like Martha let us learn that we must not be so engrossed with the work of God that we forget the God of the work, because it is from Him we shall have the strength to carry on His work.

May Saint Martha continue to intercede for us

Monday, 28 July 2014


Great things always have humble beginnings.  Our Church started with just 12 persons, the apostles and today it has grown into a great institution that cannot be compared with no other. To build a gigantic house you need to start with the foundation, from the scratch, a big mother hen will have to come out through a small egg. The Saint Thomas Aquinas first had to be a small tiny baby.  Even The Greatest of all the greatest, our Lord Jesus Christ was born in a very low state, in a manger and he came from the smallest of all the towns in His own days.

The kingdom of God is described exactly like that in the Gospel today.  The smallest seed that now becomes the biggest shrub.
Just as the seed will have to scatter and die so also our bad and sinful habits will have to die to give way for virtues pleasing to God.
Hatred, envy, jealousy, greed, lies and all must give way for love, peace and tranquillity which are the fruits of the Kingdom of God.

God has planted the seed of His Kingdom in us at Baptism, although it has the potential to grow, we need to cultivate and manure it, just like a farmer would do for a seed.
Human cooperation is needed. As Saint Augustine will say "the God who created you without your cooperation will not save you without your cooperation. "

You need to do our part to attain our salvation.
We are to be like the loincloth that God ask Jeremiah to tie to his waist in the first reading.  The loin cloth is like your underwear. Just as your underwear as direct contact with your body so God wants you to have direct contact with Him. Just as your underwear is the closest to your body so God wants you to be so very close to Him. Because it is only in Him you can live, move and have your being (Philipians 4:13).

Closeness to God is brought about through prayerful meditations of His Divine Word, frequenting confessions, devotion and obedience.

Just as the seed grows and have branches where birds of the air builds nest and shelter in them.  So our lives must be filled with good examples that will attract people to God.  We need to contaminate people with holiness.

Let's be careful how we live our lives because we may be the only Bible that someone will have to read to be saved.

God bless you.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Lessons from Saint James


One important lesson that we learn from the life of Saint James is the ability to totally and willingly surrender all to follow Jesus.
He was with his brother John and Father when Jesus called them. "Follow me" and immediately they left everything including their father, they followed Jesus.
As followers of Jesus, we need to ask ourselves, have we left everything to follow Jesus?  Is there anything hindering us from following Jesus with all our minds and hearts? We must try all in our power to make sure that nothing hinders us from actively being a true follower of Jesus. God wants and needs all our attention to be able to further establish His Kingdom.

Also, today's feast teaches us that importance of service and humility. A true leader, a true Christian, a true friend and lover of Jesus will not be proud. This is not to happen among you.  The road to greatness is through humble service and not pride.

"Humble yourselves before God and He will lift you up" (James 4:10).

"Faith without good works is dead." (James 2:17)

The whole of the letter of Saint James written by Saint James whose feast we celebrate today has a lot of Christian teachings that will help us to become better persons in our society, the Church and the world at large.

May Saint James continue to intercede for us.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Be open to God's Word. Thursday, 16th week in ordinary time II

Dear friends in Christ, our Lord Jesus Christ continues to teach us how to be His faithful children 🚸 and followers.

The disciples asked Jesus today why do you speak to them in parables? Jesus answered the reason is that they look without seeing and hear without understanding.

A first glance at these words of our Lord Jesus will make one think that Jesus spoke purposely to them so that they will not understand. But that's not the case. 

Our Lord Jesus is teaching us that people's minds may become so dull that when God's truth comes, they may not see it because their minds and lives have become so blinded by prejudice and infatuated by tribalism and favoritism.
Dear friends, if you do have a tribalistic attitude to things and even the things of God, the source of our lives, you are bound to miss out on the blessings and graces that accompany God's affairs. Are you the one select and choose which of the Masses you will attend, simply because the Priest that will officiate at the Mass is from your state of origin or he speaks your language?  at times people are fond of calling particular priests asking them "Father which Mass are you celebrating tomorrow? Are you the one coming to our station? Not because they want to get the truth of God's word but solely because he is from our area,  he speaks my language. But if the other Priest comes, one who speaks the word of God in truth, they are not happy because what he speaks,  discomforts them.
Such persons have become dull in minds and blinded by prejudice and so are not ready for the blessings of His Word. For the fate of the Word of God depends on the heart into which it is sown.

The more closed we are , the less we grow in Spirit , the less we grow in Spirit , the more closed we shall become. Thus, we will be able to see and hear and understand less and less as time goes on. As Jesus puts it 'from anyone who has not , even what he has will be taken away.'

If you are in this category you are not with God the source of your life. You have become spiritually sick.Jesus wants to heal us of all these bad aspects of our lives. Offer yourself to the Eternal Physician, that He may heal and deliver you.

Don't be like the Israelites who abandoned the fountain of life giving water and made for themselves leaky cisterns that hold no water. (Jeremiah 2:12-13)

As the adage goes 'a river that forgets it's source will get dried completely 'The Israelites forgot about God their source as a result , they were getting dried up, the fertile land (which wasn't theirs in the first place) which God gave to them is to be taken away from them. Do not be like them. Be open to God's Word because His word can come to you  through various means and persons.

May God the source Of Our Life open our ears, minds and heart to see and understand His Life Giving Word. Amen.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

"I knew you" says God

There's a reason for every existence in life. Although God created ex nihilo He has a plan for all that He has created. Whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whatever you are passing through, cannot be by chance or by mere coincidence.  There's a purpose for everything that is happening to you.

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before ever you were conceived, I consecrated you. (Jeremiah 1:4-5)
This statement of the Lord can be applied in a general way. Each person has a place in God's plan. You are important to God. For Him you are special, unique and wonderful.
And so, those who procure abortions and those advise people to procure abortion should realise that they are committing a very heinous crime and sin. God knows all the unborn even before they were conceived, who are you to cut short the life of those who are already in the knowledge of God?

Also in the Gospel reading, the farmer went about sowing but some seeds were fell on wrong places like the edge of the path, the thorns and even on rocks. However, the farmer didn't go about crying and wasting time complaining about the seeds that will be lost.  No because there is a reason for that. And because of that he wasn't discouraged but he was patient and continued with what he was doing and eventually had a huge harvest.

In life there may be times when your efforts achieve no result. That was what happened to Jesus.  He wasn't received by many. Some openly accused him, cast him out and killed him.  But inspite of all these, the Gospel preached by Jesus Christ still bears fruit. There's then no room for discouragement. The lesson of the parable is patience.

Be patient with me because I knew you right before I formed you in your mother's womb. Align your will with mine because I have a purpose for you which I want you to discover and you can only discover it if you remain with me with strong faith and love.

"I knew you" says God

There's a reason for every existence in life. Although God created ex nihilo He has a plan for all that He has created. Whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whatever you are passing through, cannot be by chance or by mere coincidence.  There's a purpose for everything that is happening to you.

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before ever you were conceived, I consecrated you. (Jeremiah 1:4-5)
This statement of the Lord can be applied in a general way. Each person has a place in God's plan. You are important to God. For Him you are special, unique and wonderful.
And so, those who procure abortions and those advise people to procure abortion should realise that they are committing a very heinous crime and sin. God knows all the unborn even before they were conceived, who are you to cut short the life of those who are already in the knowledge of God?

Also in the Gospel reading, the farmer went about sowing but some seeds were fell on wrong places like the edge of the path, the thorns and even on rocks. However, the farmer didn't go about crying and wasting time complaining about the seeds that will be lost.  No because there is a reason for that. And because of that he wasn't discouraged but he was patient and continued with what he was doing and eventually had a huge harvest.

In life there may be times when your efforts achieve no result. That was what happened to Jesus.  He wasn't received by many. Some openly accused him, cast him out and killed him.  But inspite of all these, the Gospel preached by Jesus Christ still bears fruit. There's then no room for discouragement. The lesson of the parable is patience.

Be patient with me because I knew you right before I formed you in your mother's womb. Align your will with mine because I have a purpose for you which I want you to discover and you can only discover it if you remain with me with strong faith and love.

Monday, 21 July 2014

There's no one beyond the power of God's grace.

Today the Church ⛪ celebrates the memorial of Saint Mary Magdalene. She is rightly called the Apostle to the Apostles. An apostle is one sent to preach and to proclaim. Particularly an Apostle is one sent by Jesus to preach the Gospel.

As in our Gospel today, we heard Jesus sending her to go and announce the gospel of the Resurrection to the Apostles. This made her remarkably important.

However she had a past, a very sinful past. She was a prostitute and was possessed.  But when she met Jesus,  He cast out the seven demons from her and she began to follow Christ till the time of his death and Resurrection.
Dear friends,  God is not so much bothered about your past, what He is so much interested in,  is your present and future life. How were you before you met Christ?  How are you now?  Is there any positive difference?

There is no one beyond the power of God's grace. Inspite of the past sinful life of Mary Magdalene, the Lord welcomed her and treated her with great kindness and respect. No one is to looked down upon. Every one is precious in the sight of God.

Mary Magdalene teaches us that genuine love is expressed in service. Service of God and neighbours.  Mary expressed her great love for Jesus as she ministered to His needs, anointed Him with 💵10,000 worth of oil. Was present at His death and Resurrection.

We should emulate her by showing great love by serving our Lord and neighbors.  Wherever you find yourself, serve with love, no tribalistic attitude, no favoritism.

Has God become a burden to you?

My people what have I done to you?  Have I ever offended you? When did I become a burden to you?  Answer me. I brought your out of the land of Egypt the the land of slavery. Why did you choose to have other gods? Why this unfaithfulness towards me?

My dear friends, these are the questions God is asking us today in our first reading 📖.(Micah 6:1_4, 6-8)He says he has saved us, he watches over us,  why do we continue to leave a life of sin? Why are you so comfortable with sin? You indulge in fornication,  masturbation, adultery, cheating, lying, and you do all sorts of things that are displeasing to God.
Has God become a burden to you? Has serving God become a burden to you? You were always present at daily Masses, now what has happened to you?  Where is your initial love you once had for God and His affairs?
God does not want you to go astray any further.
God is presently teaching us how to come back to him.
He says make amends, reconcile with me at the confessional. Act Justly, love kindness and tenderly and always walk humbly in the sight of the Lord.

Acting justly, loving kindness and walking 🚶 humbly in the Sight Of God means putting God first in all we Do. It means being in the state of grace. It means loving every one, caring for everyone , no discrimination, no tribalistic attitude. Realising that Jesus is The Greatest Sign and no other sign is needed.

Be a better you today and Have a Wonderful Day.

God bless You.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Patient and merciful God. 16th Sunday year A


The weed and the wheat
Often, we are used to this fast and easy life.  Fast food quick money even fast judgment which has made us to be intolerant.
We are quick to judge and rebuke and reproach what the other person has done without any positive consideration. Such actions make us to be too judgemental and often lead to a holier than thou attitude.
Today Jesus comes in with a very different approach.  He shows us that there is wisdom in patience hope and waiting. Allow the weed and wheat to grow side by side.
This is not to encourage sin or evil in the world but as our God is merciful and forgiving as we heard in the first reading, He wants to give the wicked enough time to repent and come back to him. E.g Saul was given enough time by God and he became St Paul.  The story of Maria gorretti etc.

Also God asks us not to make quick judgement because often times we can be wrong. E.g again when Saul was killing Christians he thought he was doing something pleasing in the sight of God. But with th enough time he was given by God he changed his ways.

The weed and wheat will grow together.  Won't the wheat die?. No not at all. God knows we shall not die.  Though we may experience hardships and trials from the evil one we shall not die.  Because premature death is not our portion. Jeremiah 1:19 they will fight against you,  but they will never overcome you cos I am with you to rescue you and to save you.

God choose not destroy everything evil at the same time because if he does we shall all perish for Psalm 130:3 says if you o Lord should mark our guilt.  Lord who will survive.  Nobody.

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. Our God is giving to the wicked, all evil doers and all of us enough time to repent and change our ways for good and for better.  He is a merciful God who has said in Ezekiel chapter 18:23 that He does not desire the death of a wicked but rather let him turn from his evil ways and live.

God bless you and happy Sunday.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Friday of the 15th week in ordinary time. Year A.

Hezekiah was a very good king 👑. One who fears the Lord. He has been having successful religious reforms and victories in wars.

We learnt today in the first reading however that a serious illness came on him so serious that he was almost at the point of death.
The prophet Isaiah came and told him put your house in order for you shall die.

Why should someone so committed to God experience such a cruel and bitter experience? One may wonder. Hezekiah was claiming credit for his religious reforms and boasting of his wealth, for which he was confronted by the prophet Isaiah(2kings 20:12-19).

Dear friends, like Hezekiah we too may think that we are masters of our lives and we claim credit for our achievements and may even boasts of our abilities.
It takes a serious illness to make us realize that we are just so fragile and we are indeed nothing without God.

We should claim no credit to whatever we have achieved but must constantly give God all the honor and glory.

The reading 📖 shows how graciously merciful our God is.

Hezekiah realised his mistakes, was sorry and he begged for forgiveness . God looked upon him with mercy, answered his prayers added 15more years to his life .

Our is merciful and compassionate. Jesus made it clear in the gospel today. What I want is mercy not sacrifice. Be compassionate as your heavenly Father is compassionate.

We are constantly in need of God's mercy. Whenever we go astray. Let us be sorry for our mistakes go for confession and ask God for forgiveness. He Will forgive us

As you pray For whatever is your pressing need. May God Almighty hear and answer all your prayers through Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Wednesday of the 15th week in ordinary time. 16th July 2014.


Just like the Wale Adenuga productions will say. We are nothing but pencils in the hands of the Creator. So also God asks in today's first reading 📖 that can the axe claim more credit than the man who wields it? Or can the saw say it has more strength than the man who handles it? No. We are like the saw and God is the one handling us.

So we must know and always remember that God is All in All , the Lord of all things. He controls and determines whatever will happen to anyone at any given time. Psalm 115:3 says the Lord is in The heavens, he does WHATEVER He wills. He is the Unquestionable Judge and decider of any thing or case. He can decide to give us joy or happiness or he can permit us to experience trial for a greater good. We can do nothing on our own.

This means we should always behave  and trust Him as little children 🚸 would trust their parents. In Ghana such trust is so evident that every little child believes that his father is the strongest man in The world 🌍 and that his mother is the Best cook in the world . Nothing can change that for them . It is a permanent attitude of trust .

This is Exactly the same kind of trust God is asking us to have in Him at all times. Do not think like the Assyrians that you can do things on your Own. No. You can't . For in John 15:5 Our Lord Jesus Christ says "Apart from me you can do nothing."

Always Be grateful to God for All you have and are. Be humble in His presence. Be like little children and depend on Him for every thing. Claim no power of your own. And God will always see you through.

May God bless His words in our hearts through Christ our Lord.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Faith, put God first. Tuesday of the 15th week in ordinary time. year A


Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Bonaventure, a great doctor of the Church. He got his name when as a very little child he became very sick, his mother had to take him to Saint Francis of Assisi who prayed for him and he was healed. Upon seeing him, Saint Francis saw something great in him and he exclaimed 'O good fortune'. And that became his name Bonaventure which means 'good fortune '.

 Indeed Saint Bonaventure, a great theologian and philosopher became a good fortune for the church ⛪ and to the Church ⛪. Many years later he joined the order of St Francis (the Franciscans). At the age of 35 he was made the General of his order. At the same time there were people in that order who were trying to bring about disorderliness into the order.  He sanitized the order and restored perfect calm.

His great achievements coupled with intellectual brilliance and holiness saw him became a prince of the Church.

Name: his name influenced him positively.  What is your name and how is it influencing you?  Are you striving to be like your patron saint?  Or are you Paul behaving like Saul? Or is your name Martha and you are becoming a serious matter in your neighborhood?  Let the life of your patron saint guide you.

A famous writing of Saint Bonaventure says that a man should turn his full attention and gaze on Jesus hanging on the cross ➕ full of faith hope and charity. Putting God first in all we do. Have strong faith in God.  Vocation crisis, indecision,  having problems keeping your vows will all be a thing of the past when we gaze and focus only on God.
This is exactly the message of the first reading 📖 today . When king 👑 rezin and pekah were planning to destroy Judah the king of Judah Ahaz and all the people begin to tremble as trees of the forest tremble before the wind . They were terrified and afraid because their faith wasn't in God. But God says stand firm in faith for if you don't you will perish. That is it

Fear drives out faith. But faith drives out fear. Let us remain with the Lord with strong faith so that we will not end up like the towns of chorazin, bethsaida and Capernaum that saw the marvels, wonders and miracles of Jesus but refused to believe.

May Saint Bonaventure pray for us and may God increase our faith through Christ our Lord.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

The Lord rejects lip service. Monday 15th week in ordinary time, Year A

There's the condemnation of outward sacrifices in the first reading 📖 today. Sacrifices are required by the Way of God but they are not acceptable if they are not carried out with the right disposition of mind and heart.
The Lord rejects sacrifices and devotions that are borne out of external show alone .
You come for Mass because it's the greatest prayer on earth 🌍 to praise worship and give thanks to Him for His protection over you.  Or do you go to Church ⛪ because people are going, just because cos it's an obligation.
You find yourself even dosing off while the Mass is being celebrated. You come you are only looking for what will amuse you so that you Can laugh without having the right mind to worship God in spirit and in truth. All these kinds of actions are unacceptable in the sight of God.

In this kind of situation we hear the ipsissima verba of Jesus in Matthew 15:8 these people honor me with lip service but their hearts 💕 are far from me. They use prescribed form of worship but in vain do they worship me. May this not be our lot.

We are exhorted to feel sorry for these sins of omissions and commission. Placing God above every other thing or person so that we can be worthy of God .

May God assist us to make our sacrifices to Be acceptable in His sight through Christ our Lord.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

The Word of God is Power

15th Sunday in ordinary time, Year A

There's power in the word of God. The book of Psalms chapter 138:2 says you o Lord exalts your word more than your name. God says He exalts His word more than His name.  If that is the case and the Scriptures say that at the name of Jesus every knee shall be bend and every tongue 😜 confess that Jesus is the Lord,  can you imagine what will happen at the words of Jesus? His name will make every thing and person tremble, what about his word? What about the ipsissima verba. His very words.

That's why the first reading 📖 today says that just as the rain ☔ the snow ❄ fall on the earth and do not return without providing growth for the earth and bread 🍞 for the sower so the word that goes forth from my mouth 👄 does not return empty. His word must be accomplished. There's no two ways about it.
The word of God is sure , certain , eternal ,and immutable.
Yes the word of God for us is certain and sure. When God says Yes to your life nobody can say no if He says no to your problems who can say yes.

His word for us is found all over the Scriptures Matthew 28:20 I will be with you till the end 🔚 of time ⌚ . Nothing will ever harm you . Jeremiah 1:19 is it attack? they may attack you. Is it fight? They may fight against you for bearing my name and doing my will.  But to overcome you?  They will never overcome you for I am with you to rescue you and to save you. Claim these words for yourself .

Everytime you come for Mass and adoration or you are doing something good,God is speaking His words to you. But you have to try to provide the enabling heart to receive His word do not be the soil on the pathway.  People are always passing on the soil like... These are people who think that hearing the word of God is a burden.  They see it as a waste of time. These persons hear the word of God but it enters through one ear and goes out through the other.
Do not be like those with the rocky heart. Those who receive the word of God but lack the depth for its sustenance. They delight in hearing the word of God they even make promises to change their ways but after a very short while they are back to their old ways.  They love to hear the word of God like Herod but their heart is not changed. Are you like that?...

Or you like the thorny heart. The Seeds that fell among thorns and were choked by the thorns. Are you one who receives the word of God but your heart is full Of riches, pleasures, and lusts. The things of this world take his time and attention away from the Word of God. And he ends up having no time ⌚ for it.
If you Are any of these there is still chance for you To change and be one of good heart. Where the seeds fell on good soil.
The word Of God Is Power and blessings and favour and strength.  Power to liberate conquer and to remain strong in the Lord .Hebrews 4:12 the word Of God Is sharper than any double edged sword. It cuts destroys and put to flight all spiritual rubbish and it brings in all that is necessary to Make one bear good and wonderful fruits .

May our faith and our lives exemplify the good soil in today's Gospel through Christ our Lord.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The power of the Holy Rosary

There's no problem that cannot be solved by the praying 🙏 Of The Holy Rosary .


Our Lord is awesome.  He is great and wonderful.  Whatever you are thinking 💭 God is , He surpasses that
Whatever you can say about Him , He is more than that .