Monday, 25 May 2015

Monday, 8th week in ordinary time

The only meaningful attachment is Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The rich man lacked one thing: attachment to Jesus alone. When Christ asked him to sell what he owes and give the money to the poor, he was not happy because he was a man of great wealth.

The rich man wasn't having ill-gotten wealth,  we are not told that he got his money through dubious means, so he wasn't a sinner because he was rich, after all God is the giver of good things including wealth. It is not a sin to be rich.

However,  Jesus showed him what he must do with the gifts, God has given him; share with the poor, help to make others rich and happy,.  But the man couldn't part with his wealth because he was TOO attached to it.

My dear friends in Christ,  what are you attached to,  that is blocking you from serving God faithfully,.. It can be a sin you are unwilling to give up, or an unhealthy relationship that is putting you in bondage, or a position you occupy that you think no other person can do it better than you.

Whatever it is, Jesus is teaching us that the only attachment we should have is to  Himself alone. You may have only one cloth and can be so attached to it that you don't want anything or anyone (including God) to get in between you and the cloth.

Be attached to God alone, He alone is enough and sufficient for you.  Your money is God's gift to you,  and all the good things you have as well. He is the source of wealth, JOY, happiness and so on.

A river that forgets it's source will get dried completely.
Don't ever forget your source: GOD

Be attached to Him, every time and not to any other thing.

May God continue to assist us through Christ our Lord. Amen

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